ok .. thank you very much Cook. But if I have to use a scratch volume, why
appear with the name dbbk.1
I've been meaning to configured the backup trigger with 0 incremental
backup so always start a full backup.
Christian Astuni
IBM Global Services
Tel. 4898-4621
Hipolito Yrigoyen 2149 - Martínez (1640) Bs. As. - Argentina
"Cook, Dwight
E" To: Christian Astuni/Argentina/IBM@IBMAR
> Subject: RE: Backup Trigger
Please respond
to "Cook,
Dwight E"
I should probably further qualify that...
With that it will trigger an incremental db backup to clear the log and
every so many incrementals it will do a full...
TSM won't let you shoot yourself in the foot...
that is, an old db backup (set, full & following incrementals) until you
have at least another "FULL" backup that is good.
So you can't use a single tape, because any backup operation (full or inc)
will always write FILE#1 to the tape and it won't let you overwrite a db
backup file and you can't clear it until you creat a new one
Now this is all with logmode rollforward...
If you use logmode normal you can't define a db backup trigger.
hope this helps a little...
-----Original Message-----
From: Cook, Dwight E
Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2001 1:16 PM
Subject: RE: Backup Trigger
You can't get away with that...
You will have to use a scratch tape.
-----Original Message-----
From: Christian Astuni [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2001 12:28 PM
Subject: Backup Trigger
Hello eveybody, I have ADSM v3.1 under AIX and when i want to implement the
database trigger, each time the log reaches the percentage, the required
tape called "DBBK.1"
Does someone know how to speify another volume name ?
Thanks in advance.
Christian Astuni
IBM Global Services
Tel. 4898-4621
Hipolito Yrigoyen 2149 - Martínez (1640) Bs. As. - Argentina