change it in the device class with
upd devc blah mountr=#
where # is the number of minutes...
tsm: TSMSRV06>q dev 3590devc f=d
Device Class Name: 3590DEVC
Device Access Strategy: Sequential
Storage Pool Count: 3
Device Type: 3590
Format: DRIVE
Est/Max Capacity (MB): 0.0
Mount Limit: DRIVES
Mount Wait (min): 30
Mount Retention (min): 2
Label Prefix: ADSM
Library: TSM3494LIB6
Server Name:
Retry Period:
Retry Interval:
Last Update by (administrator): ZHVN04
Last Update Date/Time: 06/28/01 07:52:35
tsm: TSMSRV06>
-----Original Message-----
From: David Nash [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2001 12:10 PM
Subject: Mount Retention Period
Is there any way to change the mount retention
period for a drive in an automated library? If
so, how?
--David Nash
Systems Administrator
The GSI Group