Using this option in the command line: "dsmc sel -tracefile=/tmp/tsm.out -traceflags=INSTR_CLIENT_DETAIL,stats /tmp/" does anyone know how to duplicate the below output using the GUI version of TSM 4.1? The traceflags options don't seem to provide the same output depending on which "side" you use them from.... specifically the Final Detailed Instrumentation statistics. JA **************************************************************************** ***** Tivoli Storage Manager Version 4, Release 1, Level 1.0 07/27/2001 14:03:44.0250 : DccTaskStatus.cpp ( 767): Total number of objects inspected: 141 07/27/2001 14:03:44.0250 : DccTaskStatus.cpp ( 770): Total number of objects backed up: 141 07/27/2001 14:03:44.0250 : DccTaskStatus.cpp ( 773): Total number of objects updated: 0 07/27/2001 14:03:44.0250 : DccTaskStatus.cpp ( 776): Total number of objects rebound: 0 07/27/2001 14:03:44.0250 : DccTaskStatus.cpp ( 779): Total number of objects deleted: 0 07/27/2001 14:03:44.0250 : DccTaskStatus.cpp ( 782): Total number of objects expired: 0 07/27/2001 14:03:44.0250 : DccTaskStatus.cpp ( 785): Total number of objects failed: 0 07/27/2001 14:03:44.0250 : DccTaskStatus.cpp ( 788): Total number of bytes transferred: 284,406,757 07/27/2001 14:03:44.0250 : DccTaskStatus.cpp ( 791): Total number of bytes transferred: 271.23 MB 07/27/2001 14:03:44.0250 : DccTaskStatus.cpp ( 793): Data transfer time: 7.50 sec 07/27/2001 14:03:44.0250 : DccTaskStatus.cpp ( 794): Network data transfer rate: 37,027.19 KB/sec 07/27/2001 14:03:44.0250 : DccTaskStatus.cpp ( 795): Aggregate data transfer rate: 14,197.25 KB/sec 07/27/2001 14:03:44.0250 : DccTaskStatus.cpp ( 798): Total number of bytes pre-compress: 284,371,681 07/27/2001 14:03:44.0250 : DccTaskStatus.cpp ( 801): Total number of bytes post-compress: 284,371,681 07/27/2001 14:03:44.0250 : DccTaskStatus.cpp ( 804): Objects compressed by: 0% 07/27/2001 14:03:44.0250 : DccTaskStatus.cpp ( 805): Elapsed processing time: 00:00:19 07/27/2001 14:03:44.0250 : DccTaskStatus.cpp ( 821): Average file size: 1.92 MB ------------------------------------------------------------------ Final Detailed Instrumentation statistics Elapsed time: 23.188 sec Section Total Time(sec) Average Time(msec) Frequency used ------------------------------------------------------------------ Client Setup 7.563 7563.0 1 Process Dirs 0.187 187.0 1 Solve Tree 0.000 0.0 1 Compute 0.143 0.0 8769 Transaction 0.219 0.0 26557 BeginTxn Verb 0.000 0.0 54 File I/O 4.712 0.5 8910 Compression 0.000 0.0 0 Data Verb 7.471 0.9 8769 Confirm Verb 0.000 0.0 0 EndTxn Verb 1.596 29.6 54 Client Cleanup 1.297 1297.0 1 ______________________________ Regards, Jon Adams Systems Engineer II B&ST Infrastructure Premera Blue Cross 425.670.5770 [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool"