
Servers : Win 2000 (production is a cluster)
        Only Exchange 5.5 sp3 running on restore server (I have followed all
setup docs in the TPforExchange manual)
 TSM 4.2 on production
TP for Exchange: v2.2
Exchange 5.5 sp3 - on both restore and production servers
TPforEchange node name is set to production name

Exchange runs great before I do a restore (clean install), but exchange
services will not start after.
Restore is successful on both the full and incremental.

I have checked ADSM.org and could only find similar problems with TP v1.1
and the links to TechNet were expired.

I have TSM Tech support looking into a solution, however I was wondering if
there was somewhere I need to change the server name in the restore database
to reflect the correct computer name?.

No errors in the log files, and the application events only indicate the
service was unable to start.

I have been using the offline repair / consistency checker in the system32
directory (as per tech net)

I think there is a simple fix, anyone have it???

Thanks in advanced

Joe Cascanette

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