Hi Joe,

We also fell into the 3466 trap.
It was a good idea at the time, but the system soon became untenable, so we
have replaced our 3466-C00 with a stand alone RS6000 H80 with TSM 3.7.2 with
an attached 3494 library.
Our biggest issues were the 6 tape drive limit, the severe restrictions
imposed with naming standards and also the long outages required for
maint/upgrades etc (14 hours to instal a few new disk drives for example).
We also fell foul of the issue where we have a problem, and cannot get
support. We have been running ADSM since 1993 and often our guys new far
more about ADSM/TSM than the support guy at the other end of the phone,
particularly where the NSM was involved !


We tested our upgrade from 3466-C00 to the rs6000 a couple of times to get
timings and see what issues we had.
Here is how we implemented with some of the timings :

- Completed client schedules on NSM. (22:35)
- Issued DISABLE SESSIONS (23:00)
- Migrated data from disk stgpool to 3590 stgpool. (178Gb of Disk STGPOOL)
- Deleted all disk stgpool volumes. (23:45)
- Full DB Backup to 3590. (Approx 13Gb) (23:46 - 00:06)
- Backup devconf
- Backup volhist
- Halt TSM on NSM. (00:07)
- Copied volhist and devconf to new AIX TSM box.
- Disconnected 3494 from NSM, reconnected to new box.
- Restore DB to new TSM (00:50 - 01:30)
- Start TSM (01:45)
- Had to redefine drive defs as rmt0 was a 3590 on NSM but a local drive on
new box.
- Define new disk STGPOOL vols.
- Started testing.  (02:30)
- Go/Nogo. (04:15)

Some issues we had :

- ANR7807W and ANR1311E issued for the old disk stgpool vol names
- Full DB Backup Triggered as we had dbbbackup trigger set as soon as new
TSM started.
- DB and Log mirror synchronisation started as soon as new TSM started.

And that was it.
We did two trial runs before the real thing and did a LOT of testing.
This helped the cutover to run as smoothly as it did.

Hope this helps, and if you need any other info, please let me know.


Robin Lowe
Senior Storage Analyst

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