Not sure if NSS is an issue or not, haven't used Netware in a couple of
years. As for open files in general though, I did use St. Bernard
Software's Open File Agent (OFA) on a few platforms including a Netware
SFT III environment. It's a piece of cake to install and setup, and I
used ADSM 3.1, ArcServe, and one other I don't recall... perhaps
Veritas' product...

Anyway, I used it to backup database flat files that had to be
synchronized during backup. Having 11 flat files comprise a singe
database, and one of the files may be opened during the backup window,
OFA was great when the files were configured as a group. If all files in
the group could be accessed within the timeframe I set, the backup
processed a static snapshot of all files, completely synch'd.

On Tuesday, July 24, 2001, at 04:49 AM, Jacques Butcher wrote:

> Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.

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