I'm running the client on 5 different NetWare clients without a


-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Thompson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 9:59 AM
Subject: Re: !!!Novell Client Stability!!!!

Hi Jeff,

Thanks for your reply. In all honesty we have never found any versions to
co-exist that are stable. We very often find that DSMC will abend the
server, but we have seen lots of different problems. We are only running
this on one Netware box and we do sometimes get a sucessful backup, though
it is not as reliable as it should be.

The stablest verion of the Netware client i have found for my other
customers in ADSM Client backing up to any version TSM server.
Though i obiviously can't install this due to support issues.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Bach [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 25 July 2001 14:45
Subject: Re: !!!Novell Client Stability!!!!

My definition of stable is that ADSM backups and restores up successfully
and does not cause the Novell client to crash.  What level of Novell and
ADSM have you accomplished this with?  On how many servers?

Jeff Bach

        -----Original Message-----
        From:   Juergen Heinrich [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
        Sent:   Wednesday, July 25, 2001 8:37 AM
        To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Subject:        Re: !!!Novell Client Stability!!!!

        Hi Scott,

        our costumers do have the same environment as you and the netware
TSM clients
        are stable.

        At the beginning we had problems with the backup of the NDS volume.
        The costumers NDS volume is very big and with the proposed versions
         the smdr.nlm, tsa500.nlm and tsands.nlm we had no success (the
server has been

        After a look into the client  readme file in chapter "Novell NetWare
        Known Problems"
        we have decided to use newer modules.
        Currently we are sucessfull using the tsa5up6 package from the
novell web site
        and the tsm clients
        are working well.

        There is only one exception! Do not use compression, because the
backup time
        increases much more
        than you can expect.


        Juergen Heinrich

        Verdi Information Consult GmbH
        Niederlassung Berlin
        Wittestra�e 30K
        D-13509 Berlin

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