Servus Robert, Is it possible, that they didn't allocate the Files DSCLANG and DSCOPT ? You have to do that, before you start DSMADMC... Gerhard [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert Fijan) am 25.07.2001 10:06:01 Bitte antworten an [EMAIL PROTECTED] An: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Kopie: (Blindkopie: Gerhard Wolkerstorfer/DEBIS/EDVG/AT) Thema: Problem with TSO Admin Client Hello folks. I've got the following problem: We try to let our Operators check the backups. so qwe wrote a little REXX, which runs a Command in TSO. Now our problems start: when I run this little REXX, everything is ok. But when the operator starts the REXX with his USERID in TSO, the following problem occurs: They get no session to the TSM-server and the following Messages: TcpOpen(): socket(): errno = 156 TcpOpen: Error creating TCP/IP socket. sessOpen: Failure in communications open call. rc: -50 ANS1017E Session rejected: TCP/IP connection failure ANS8023E Unable to establish session with server. What is the problem? Our environment is TSM 4.1.1 on OS/390 R10. Please help me, i don't now where to look for help. Thanx in advance Robert