>Are all the servers connected to the library?
>What is the connection the TSM servers have to the library?
>TCP/IP or RS232?

>What is the connection the servers have to the tape drives?
>FC or SCSI?
Migrating, some FC, most are still SCSI.

>Are you happy with the library sharing solution?
At the moment yes. We were considering drive sharing using twin tailed SCSI
until we went FC, but now are slowly realising that if/when we go SAN that we
need to set up the Library Manager Server and Clients. We are not too happy
about this as it appears that all our media mounts then depend upon one
server being alive. If this server goes down then we get no media mounts until
it's repaired. Can anyone else comment on whether this is true, or is there a
backup Library Manager Server ability?

>Did you have to set a Library Manager Server and make the rest of the
>servers Library Clients?
>Any documents I must read?
READMEs are a must.

>Please give an explanation of the steps that were followed to share the
>   library.
Not done SAN sharing yet. If you want to know about just SCSI and TCP/IP
then mail me.


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