My TSM server is AIX 4.3 and TSM 4.1.3.
My TSM client is Solaris 2.8 and TSM

I have a Veritas Cluster that has a shared disk  to two servers. I want TSM
to back up the disk  wherever it is attached via the Virtual IP Address. I
talked to TSM support and they said this wasn't supported but I could try
having two stanzas in my dsm.sys file. The first would be for the core
server and exclude the shared disks. The second stanza would be the virtual
IP and would exclude the core system and backup the shared disk . Naturally
they would have two different include/exclude files. I tried setting this
up but when I run a backup it acts like it doesn't see the second stanza.
Does anyone have this running? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here
is my dsm.sys file:

Servername          usslad003
COMMmethod          TCPip
TCPPort             1500
NODename            drlgws004
TCPCLIENTPort       1501
PASSWORDAccess      generate
USERs               root
Mailprog            /usr/bin/mail root
COMPression         NO
SCHEDMODe           PRompted
Inclexcl            /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/inclexcl.txt
MAXCMDRetries       4
RETRYPeriod         20
CHAngingretries     2
TXNBytelimit        25600
TCPWindowsize       640
LARGECOMmbuffers    Yes
TCPBuffsize         512
*The location of these log files are the default settings and can be
changed to
* an alternative location if needed.*
SCHEDLOGname        /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmsched.log
SCHEDLOGRetention   10,d
ERRORLOGName        /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmerror.log
ERRORLOGRetention   10,d
******** Stanza to backup shared disks by virtual IP address
Servername          usslad003
COMMmethod          TCPip
TCPPort             1500
NODename            drlgws3N4_shared_disks
TCPCLIENTPort       1501
PASSWORDAccess      generate
USERs               root
Mailprog            /usr/bin/mail root
COMPression         NO
SCHEDMODe           PRompted
Inclexcl            /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/inclexcl_shared.txt
MAXCMDRetries       4
RETRYPeriod         20
CHAngingretries     2
TXNBytelimit        25600
TCPWindowsize       640
LARGECOMmbuffers    Yes
TCPBuffsize         512

*The location of these log files are the default settings and can be
changed to
* an alternative location if needed.*

SCHEDLOGname        /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmsched.log
SCHEDLOGRetention   10,d
ERRORLOGName        /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmerror.log
ERRORLOGRetention   10,d

Linda Seeba                               Phone: (314) 234-5190
I/T Specialist - Sr                      Fax: (314) 232-4581
IBM Global Services               E-Mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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