TSM will support image backups for Win2K, not NT... in the 5.x timeframe
(1Q2002, we've been told).

Don France
EDS Infrastructure Engineering
San Jose, CA
PACE - http://www.pacepros.com <http://www.pacepros.com>
Bus-Ph:   (408) 257-3037

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Bach [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2001 5:40 AM
Subject: Re: do adsm supports image-backups

Customers? Does the Kernel Group bare metal work?  How hard is it to
maintain?  When will TSM provide a full solution?


        -----Original Message-----
        From:   Richard Sims [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
        Sent:   Friday, July 13, 2001 7:18 AM
        To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Subject:        Re: do adsm supports image-backups

        >we use 'mksysb'  to backup OS image,VG information  and file
systesms. is
        >it possible to do the same using ADSM .

        Since a working operating system is a pre-req to using ADSM/TSM,
        not much value in using ADSM/TSM for the bare metal phase of system
        recovery.  The Kernel Group is a principal provider of bare metal
        capabilities.  See  www.tkg.com/products.html .

           Richard Sims, BU

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