I have been at my present job for a year and the audit library command
fails EVERY time when it tries to read the labels. It will read some and
then, I suspect it can't keep up and fails in exactly the manner you noted.
I am on a 3575L32 at I spoke with Tivoli about it and they claimed
I needed to upgrade to a higher code level. Haven't gotten around to doing
it; I just have the library read the barcode labels. It actually reads them
when it initializes and stores the info which is read by TSM when the
command is issued.

George Lesho

Marc Levitan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 07/10/2001 10:25:51

Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Subject:  Library Audit Unsuccessful

I've had this happen in the past but this time is different.

I do NOT receive any errors except the following:

ANR8460E AUDIT LIBRARY process for library TEKWOLF failed.
ANR0985I Process 25 for AUDIT LIBRARY running in the
                       BACKGROUND completed with completion state FAILURE

I printed a q libv list and physically compared it to the Library
inventory, and it matches perfect.

If i run a "audit library tekwolf checklabel=barcode"  it completes
successfully.  It's when the audit actually mounts the volumes to check the
labels that it fails.

any ideas?

Marc Levitan

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