You cannot rely on  "completed"   from  query event to indicate a successful
You need to trap and alert  on error messages as well.

Stefan Holzwarth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 06/22/2001 10:41:27 AM

Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

cc:    (bcc: John Naylor/HAV/SSEG)
Subject:  AW: Disk pool size vs large file

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Scottish Hydro-Electric and Southern Electric are trading names of
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We use TSM @MVS with several 3590-tapes shared with OS390.

Our biggest files are 30GB (Exchange) and normally went direct to tape
by setting a sizelimit to the diskstorage pool.

What happened last week was an incredible short backuptime of the exchange
without any error. Looking through the dsmsched.log I found :

        06/21/2001 02:33:46 ANS1312E Server media mount not possible
                (due to no tape free at this moment?)

The TSM Client skipped the file and finished with the following summary:

06/21/2001 02:33:46 --- SCHEDULEREC STATUS BEGIN
06/21/2001 02:33:46 Total number of objects inspected:    8,565
06/21/2001 02:33:46 Total number of objects backed up:      246
06/21/2001 02:33:46 Total number of objects updated:          0
06/21/2001 02:33:46 Total number of objects rebound:          0
06/21/2001 02:33:46 Total number of objects deleted:          0
06/21/2001 02:33:46 Total number of objects expired:         26
06/21/2001 02:33:46 Total number of objects failed:           0
06/21/2001 02:33:46 Total number of bytes transferred:   138.73 MB
06/21/2001 02:33:46 Data transfer time:                   74.62 sec
06/21/2001 02:33:46 Network data transfer rate:        1,903.68 KB/sec
06/21/2001 02:33:46 Aggregate data transfer rate:      1,067.74 KB/sec
06/21/2001 02:33:46 Objects compressed by:                    0%
06/21/2001 02:33:46 Elapsed processing time:           00:02:13
06/21/2001 02:33:46 --- SCHEDULEREC STATUS END

The eventlog shows no exception for this schedule.

IBM's comment: "Works as designed"

Now I consider to do the backup of large files to the primary storagepool on
disk, because its very difficult to detect this error. (error.log shows no

With Regards, Stefan Holzwarth

> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Sam Schrage [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet am: Donnerstag, 21. Juni 2001 20:15
> Betreff: Disk pool size vs large file
> I have a 56GB disk pool with the next pool to tape.  I have a
> user, DB2
> Admin, that wants to back up a 125GB DB2 backup.  What's the
> best way to
> handle this one user?  If he/she backs up the file will it
> crash the system
> because it's bigger that the diskpool, or will it go right to tape?
> Sam Schrage
> TRW Systems

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