What we do is to put the one BIG Oracle TDP client we have into a separate
domain for BIG users with a management class that points direct to tape,
instead of the disk pool.  Just remember that whenever this client backs up,
there should be a tape drive available (although if there isn't one
available on time, the ORACLE TDP waits patiently until it gets one..)

-----Original Message-----
From: Sam Schrage [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2001 2:15 PM
Subject: Disk pool size vs large file

I have a 56GB disk pool with the next pool to tape.  I have a user, DB2
Admin, that wants to back up a 125GB DB2 backup.  What's the best way to
handle this one user?  If he/she backs up the file will it crash the system
because it's bigger that the diskpool, or will it go right to tape?

Sam Schrage
TRW Systems

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