Maybe the instructor just wanted a good eval, so he told you all something
you wanted to hear ;-)

I have heard that development was working on getting around the
limitation, but not that any special "fix" was available.  I asked an
IBM'er if he had heard anything new on this, he said no and he chats with
internal TSM folks on a daily basis.

I expect that when it is fixed, it will be broadcast-- on this list, and
at any SHARE, Storage symposium, Oxford- type meeting.


"Gill, Geoffrey L." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
06/21/2001 08:31 AM
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"

        To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        cc:     (bcc: Lisa Cabanas/SC/MODOT)
        Subject:        Recovery Log size

I posted this 2 days ago but saw no responses. Did it make it to the list?

Hello all,

Last week I attended the 2 day DRM class in L.A.. In one the discussions
had it was mentioned by the instructor that the size of the recovery log
could be over the 5.5gb current limit. I questioned him on this since
has been much discussion on it here, quite recently in fact. According to
him anyone with this size problem could get a special fix from Tivoli.

Has anyone else heard of this? Has anyone had this problem and got this
special fix?

Geoff Gill
TSM Administrator
NT Systems Support Engineer
Phone:  (858) 826-4062
Pager:   (888) 997-9614

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