I have a bunch of Windows 2000 clients (file servers) whose backups are
really dragging. My server is TSM 3.7.3 on Solaris 2.7. The clients are
running TSM v They have 2 Xeon 700Mhz CPUs and 512 MB RAM,
100Mb NICs on a gigabit backbone. Each one of these clients has several
hundred thousand files, one is in excess of 1 million files. TSM
initiates the backup at midnight but it is not until 5 hours later that
these clients really begin pumping data. I assume this is because it is
taking so long to analyze the files. If I had my way they would repartion
the drives on these clients so that all these files are not contained in a
single filespace, but that isn't going to happen.
Is there any way to improve performance here? We are considering the
following options, please give me your opinions.
On Clients:
set changinretries to 1
set tcpbuffersize from 62 to 512
we have already confirmed the tcpnodelay, largecommbuffers, and
memoryefficientbackup options are in our favor.
On Server:
resetting idletimeout from 60 to 15 (default)
resetting commtimeout from 360 to 60 (default)