DOMAIN only concerns filesystems or in the nt-world, partitions (that is
C:, D:, ...)
even if i had never thought of it this term, i agree it might be cheaper to
process than include/exclude, and it seems obvious for include/exclude
consist in patterns whereas domain only consists in a list of disk

it's true, i see it everyday, that a lot of small files takes longer to
backup than a few big ones, adsm shows it in its statistic report with
network transfer time and agregare process time. even if some systems
(OSes) or hardware are better than other, the remark is still true for all.

about your config hereunder, you could put TEMP files and PAGEFILE.SYS on a
dedicated partition and exlude that partition from the backup at the domain
level (that is, create a disk T:, define T:\TEMP, T:\PAGEFILE.SYS, and do
NOT put T: in the domain list). also define a recycler bin only on the same
disk, and set recycler space to 0 on all other disks. by doing this you
will have no big ever changing files on the other disks, thus you can avoid
any exlude (yes you'll backup files like IBMDOS.COM but what does it matter
to back up 50 or 100 KB once regarding a daily 200 GB scan ?)


A 12:25 20/06/01 -0500, vous avez �crit :
>   I have heard that DOMAINs are much cheaper to process
>than INCLUDE/EXCLUDE lists, but my experience has been
>limited to the later since 2.1.  We are now at 4.1 and
>I'd like to take advantage of the DOMAIN tag on an NT
>client w/ 200GB of data.
>   Does anyone have any advice or experience with this
>type of optimization?  I have found that the box has many
>small files, and it is not fully utilizing a 100Mbit NIC
>w/ the TSM server on a Gigabit.  It seems that file IO or
>overhead is slowing the backup.
>  Here's the current config.
>tcpport          1500
>passwordaccess generate
>Largecommbuffers yes
>tcpbuffsize     512
>tcpnodelay      yes
>tcpwindowsize   63
>txnbytelimit    25600
>errorlogretention       3
>schedmode prompted
>Exclude *:\...\recycler\...\*.*
>Exclude *:\...\pagefile.sys
>Exclude *:\IBMBIO.COM
>Exclude *:\IBMDOS.COM
>Exclude *:\MSDOS.SYS
>Exclude *:\IO.SYS
>Exclude *:\...\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\*.*
>Exclude *:\...\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\...\*
>Exclude *:\...\*.TMP
>Exclude *:\...\NTUSER.DAT*
>Exclude *:\...\USRCLASS.DAT*
>Exclude *:\...\PERFLIB_PERFDATA*
>Exclude *:\...\NTFRS.JDB
>Exclude *:\...\EDB.LOG
>Exclude *:\...\TMP.EDB
>Exclude *:\...\TEMP.EDB
>Exclude *:\...\NTDS.DIT
>        John T. Mills
>        AIX System Administrator
>        Purina Mills
>        (314) 768-4719
                        - * - * - * - * - * - * -
Mes idees n'engagent que moi (vieux proverbe du Net)

Thierry ITTY
eMail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]               FRANCE

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