We've been running 9 DLT-7000 tape drives in an STK 9710 library for almost
4 years now and aree looking at replacing it with a 3584 with LTO drives.
The reason behind the question is that we currently have 6 DLT-7000
stand-alone drives in our D/R contract. To avoid busting the budget, we're
looking at changing the stand-alone DLT-7000s to 3580s.
We currently run the stand-alone drives as a manual library with six drives
during D/R. Our D/R contractor is telling us they aren't buying 3580 drives,
they're buying 3581s and 3584s. We aren't in a position to do the 3584 this
year for D/R (budget problems :(
So -- can I convince TSM 3.7.4 or 4.x that I have a manual library of 6 3581
drives (or six 3580 drives, with 3581s actually on the cable)? Or will I
have to configure 6 3581 libraries and dink around with
load/unload/checkout/checkin as we pass between 50 and 100 tapes through
This is a short-term problem -- one, maybe two D/R tests; I expect to have a
full library available the second half of next year. Now that we can restore
our SAP and Exchange servers in under 16 hours it's time to start doing the
full *recovery* part of D/R, and that includes resuming normal TSM backups -
and there's no way we'd be able to handle this with manual libraries.
Tom Kauffman