Hi There, I am trying to get sum information about the client capacity on the TSM Server. I am executing the following command. " select sum(file_size) from contents where node_name like 'VOYAGER' " and getting that following result. Unnamed[1] ---------------------------------------------- 292017475172 The real capacity on "VOYAGER" is 27 GB. It's seems to me that Voyager equipped 290GB of space on my library. so I checked a single file on the TSM server for VOYAGER with the following command. "select * from contents where node_name like 'VOYAGER'" and compared it to the real file on the client. the size of that file is 3 time grater on the TSM server compared to the file on the client. why is the values from the tsm are grater from the client?. Is that because of the number of the generation ?. Is the client voyager rely equipped almost 300 GB on my library ?. Thanks in advance. Ofer Nachom Triple C.
begin:vcard n:Nachom;Ofer tel;fax:972-3-6080667 tel;home:000000000000 tel;work:972-3-6080643 x-mozilla-html:TRUE url:www.ccc.co.il org:Triple C ;Triple C Technical Department adr:;;Shaol Ha Melek 37.;Tell-Aviv;Israel;xxxxx; version:2.1 email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED] title:Aix & TSM System support fn:Ofer Nachom end:vcard