You must have reclamation processes going against more than one storage pool.
So the answer is during the time you want to reserve 2 drives for migration
update "your pool" recl=100 for all except one tape pool at a time.

ProtoTipo srl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 06/19/2001 11:34:55 AM

Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

cc:    (bcc: John Naylor/HAV/SSEG)
Subject:  Space reclamation processes

Hi all,
we have a library with four DLT drives. During the expire inventory,
several space reclamation processes start, using all drives in the library.
I'd like to keep two drives free for migration.
Is there a way of limiting the number of drives used by space reclamation?
I know there's a device class MOUNTLIMIT parameter, but it affects also
other processes such as migration...

Thanks in advance,

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