Dietmar, of course it's possible. I guess your Onsite Primary Pool is collocated and your Copy Pool isn't (As general!) So each Migration writes some Data to the collocated Onsite-Volumes and the BACKUP Process copies the amount of Data to one (or more) Offsite Copy Volumes. Let's say you need 1 COPY Volume per day. Than to Restore your Primary Volume you need all the COPY Volumes from the last 105 Days (in your example) , when Data was stored on your Primary Volume and copied to the Offsite Backup Volume. Regards Gerhard Wolkerstorfer [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Schmid. Dietmar) am 18.06.2001 18:05:32 Bitte antworten an [EMAIL PROTECTED] An: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Kopie: (Blindkopie: Gerhard Wolkerstorfer/DEBIS/EDVG/AT) Thema: Copy-Pool Question Hi, My Problem is, that one of our tapes in the library is destroyed. I thought, no problem we have a outside copy pool... restore volume A00xxx preview=yes shows me about 105 tapes now I have to checkin 105 tapes...... Is this possible? We are using TSM 4.1.3 / AIX 4.3.3... Dietmar Schmid