Hello Dwight,

according to the latest supported device list from Tivoli these libraries
aren't supported at all (just FYI). So if you will have any problems don't
count on Tivoli.

Do you have a library at the location where you are? Then I would suggest
you are doing some tape related stuff (like a database backup) and look
which tape is inserted into the drive.

If this is not possible for you consider the following:

AFAIK the Sun Storedge L280 is an OEM product from ATL (but I'm not quite
sure). So you could take the ATL Powerstore L200 device support sheet (
http://www.tivoli.com/support/storage_mgr/devices/atab67.htm ) as a
guideline. And also the other DLT autoloaders I know have the slots
numbered from the left to the right (31 - 36) and from the front to the
rear (37 - 38). This is in contrast to the IBM 3570 model.

I hope it helps.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Met vriendelijke groeten,
With best regards,
Bien amicalement,

                Dirk Billerbeck

Dirk Billerbeck
GE CompuNet Kiel
Enterprise Computing Solutions
Am Jaegersberg 20, 24161 Altenholz (Kiel), Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 431 / 3609 - 117, Fax: +49 (0) 431 / 3609 - 190,
Internet: dirk.billerbeck @ gecits-eu.com

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To:     mailbox.dekelnsm
Subject:  Sun Storedge L280 question...

Ok, I know these are basically some Storedge model but...

These are the models with two (2) internal tapes and a six (6) tape
removable magazine.

If one loads up one of these devices and performs a label libvol ...
search=yes  one ends up with tapes such as

Library Name   Volume Name   Status       Owner        Last Use    Home
------------   -----------   ----------   ----------   ---------
L280A          A0001         Scratch                               31
L280A          A0002         Scratch                               32
L280A          A0003         Scratch                               33
L280A          A0004         Scratch                               34
L280A          A0005         Scratch                               35
L280A          A0006         Scratch                               36
L280A          A0007         Scratch                               37
L280A          A0008         Scratch                               38

Can anyone tell me for sure how these tapes are oriented within the unit ?
are 37 & 38 the internal tapes and are 31-36 the six in the magazine ?
are 31-36 left to right or right to left ?

I have environments half way around the world and I'm trying real hard to
NOT have to fly there to resolve some issues...


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