Hi, I am new to this mail list.
So, we installed TSM 3.7.2 on AIX server and TDP for oracle on Server AIX
4.3.2 . We relinked oracle 8.0.6 kernel with MML object :
make -f ins_rdbms.mk LLIBOBK=/usr/lib/libobk.a ioracle (where
/usr/lib/libobk.a symbolicly links to
The relink passed, but each time i try to take a backup by RMAN on tape
'SBT_TAPE' the execution stops after rman code compilation phase by logging
errors and i got this piece of message in sbtio.log file undert

(63706) OBK-sbt:<05/21/2001:17:15:57>
ANS0282E (RC168)  Password file is not available.
(63706) OBK-sbt:<05/21/2001:17:15:57> odsmSess(): psReadPswd(): oer = 7011,
errno = 168.
(63706) OBK-sbt:<05/21/2001:17:15:57> sbtremove(): odsmSess(): ANS0322E
(RC-1)   no text available for this return code.

Does anyone ever met this pb.
Note that /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/oracle/bin/TDPO.entreprise2 existsand is
readable (unix permission on file is 644, owned by bin, grouped by bin)
Here is a sample of rman script i use to test tha backup:
RMAN> run {
allocate channel t1 type 'sbt_tape' parms 'ENV=(DSMO_AVG_SIZE=1000,
filesperset 5
format 'df_%t_%s_%p'
(archivelog all);
Thans in advancee.
---}{ You can take a horse to the water But you can not make him drink

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