the import/export feature takes a long long time. Possible faster
ways are below.
To Migrate to a new ATL, I would connection the ATL to the current
system, setup a new device class and storage pools and migrate the data by
either changing the next storage pools of the old tape storage pool to be
the new tape storage pools, or by using move data to move the data back to
the disk storage pool that will automatically migrate to the correct new
storage pool
To move to a new server:
If the move includes moving to a new server and you can't move the
internal disk,
Does the new server have an array that can be temporarily connected
to the old server?
If it does, connect it, make a third copy of your
database on the array, deactivate and export the volume group (which has to
be just the array), delete database copy 1 and add another database copy,
then delete DB copy 1 (the last originally)
Providing that the OS and hardware are close enough to export and
import a VG from one to another.
OR test your bare metal restore procedures for the ADSM server when
you recover it onto the new server hardware. (after the data migration to
the new ATL)
Jeff Bach
Home Office Open Systems Engineering
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Wendel [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2001 3:02 AM
Subject: Re: Migrating to a 3466 C01
At 15:27 2001-05-17, you wrote:
>Put another network card in the F40. Why would you run with only
one if
>this was your bottleneck.
OK, I can do that. Does this mean you think it is a better solution
to migrate
over the network using virtual volumes? If so, is ADSM3.1 and TSM4
regarding virtual volumes?
>Can you just migrate the clients and leave the data until it is not
No, most of the data needs to be migrated. 1TB is archived data and
I'm not
happy about expiring the 3TB backuped data (perhaps expiring half of
it would
be acceptable), also both the old server and old library will be
sold within
>Jeff Bach
>Home Office Open Systems Engineering
>Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Martin Wendel [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 3:48 AM
> Subject: Migrating to a 3466 C01
> We currently run ADSM server on a IBM F40 with an
>Scalar 1000
> DLT-7000 library, and are planning to migrate to TSM 4 on
an IBM
>3466-C01 with
> an IBM 3584 LTO library.
> Normally we configure and install our server HW/SW
ourselves, but as
> understand
> it the 3466 comes pretty much preinstalled (or at least is
>on site by
> the vendor) and I don't want to void the warranty and
> Usually when we change server HW we just move the disks to
the new
>system, but
> now we have SCSI disks on the F40 and SSA disks on the
3466. As I
>see it there
> are two ways of doing this migration:
> 1. Install ADSM 3.1 on the 3466 and move the db by
> volhist etc, and also attach the Scalar 1000, to the 3466
(we have
>DRM on the
> 3.1 license so perhaps we could use this to make things
>Upgrade to
> TSM 4
> and then migrate the data by move data or stgpool
migration. Only
>concern here
> is if the installation guys will approve.
> 2. Using virtual volumes perform export/import server and
> migration
> over the network.
> We currently have about 4TB in the primary tape stgpools
and the F40
>has a
> 100Mbit/s
> ethernet adapter so of course the network will be the
> method 2.
> Anyone has experience on migrating to a 3466?
> E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Snail-Mail: ITS
> Tel: 018 471 77 80 Box
> Int: +46 18 471 77 80 S-751
08 Uppsala
> Fax: +46 18 471 77 25 Sweden
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