I think you only have to enclose the filename in quotes as in
exclude  "d:\notes\data\mailobj.nsf"

To test this you do not have to start the backup. Starting the GUI will show you
the exclusion of the file with a little purple V saying this file will not be
backed up. Now this is for the normal client backup. What concerns the Agent for
Notes I do not have any idea because we do not use it yet.

Hope this helps,

Michel Engels
TSM Consultant
Devoteam Belgium

"MacMurray, Andrea (CC-ETS Ent Storage Svcs)"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 05/17/2001 04:53:39 PM

Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

cc:    (bcc: Michel Engels/BE/Devoteam)

Subject:  Exclude not working

Hi everybody,

Maybe this question has been here more than once, but being relativley new
to the list as well as to Tivoli I dare to ask anyway. The following DSM.OPT
files runs on a NT service pac6 with TDP for Lotus Notes version 4.6.

* IBM Adstar Distributed Storage Manager
* tpomaha dsm.opt for ADSMConnect Agent for Lotus Notes on
* Windows NT using tcp/ip.
nodename         tpomaha01_notes
commmethod       TCPIP
tcpport          1500
tcpserveraddress cagadsm3.conagra.cag
tcpbuffsize      31
tcpwindowsize    24
VERBOSE          yes

exclude          d:\notes\data\mailobj.nsf

My problem is the exclude. It does not exclude the file. Does anybody out
there see why???

Thanks for your help

Andrea Mac Murray

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