We also have a large number of Japanese users to manage. Unfortunatly we have
Japanese & English files scattered over our file servers which run on English NT
Servers. We then have another Japanese NT Box that runs our TSM client. This
Japanese Client Nt connects to numerous NT Shares on the file servers for backup
& archive. This tends to work well for us.

The biggest problem I have is that the error & schedule logs are also written in
Japanese so I can't understand a word they say !


MIKE HANLEY <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 15/05/2001 13:23:54

Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


 cc:      (bcc: Nick Rutherford/HUM/EU/HONDA)

 Subject: Re: Japanese Filenames

We also have a similar situation at my company.  Since we can not dedicate
a server specifically for Japanese files, we did set up a specific
directory on one of the servers for the Japanese.  This directory is then
zipped and the zipped file is backed up during our normal processing.

Andrew Webster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 05/14/2001
11:03:14 PM

Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent by:  "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:  Re: Japanese Filenames

Hi Paul,

> Has any body had any experience of this in this type of environment?

Unfortunately YES.

TSM won't backup Japanese filenames unless you run the client on a Japanese
NT server. Adding the Japanese codepage to a UK build won't work.

TSM will backup Japanese filenames most of the time, but occassionally dies
a horrible death on certain filenames. With lots of people with lots of
Japanese filenames, the client will fail more than it suceeeds.

USEUNICODEFILENAMES is suppose to be used with Macintosh files, any other
use is convenently unsupported by Tivoli.

You need to do your restores, with the same USEUNICODEFILENAMES setting
that was done with the Backup. As you've found.

Under Japanese NT, all filenames with show up in Japanese characters in
GUI. The same can't be said about the WEB GUI.

Tivoli support (especially, the Japanese end) are no help whatsoever. As a
company, Tivoli seem to have no concept that people do business in multiple
languages, and as a backup product Tivoli need to support it. Recents
failures, where the NT server product failed as soon as you run it under
Japanese, German etc.. bears testiment to the fact, Tivoli aren't even
testing their products under different languages.

<I'll get off my soap box now >

The only way out of it, is to build a dedicated Japanese NT server, and
back everything up remotely with multiple schedules. The one I set up Tokyo
was running 12 backup schedules (that 12 NT services). You need a big box
though, preferable with GigE links to whatever you are going to backup. CPU
power is also an issue, I had to upgrade from a Dual to a Quad processor to
get the backups completed overnight.

You'll also have to do your restores from there as well, so need a Remote
Console/Control utility to get to the box and not many of them will let you
control a Japanese PC from an English workstation.


Andrew Webster
TSM/Storage Consultant
Deutsche Bank, Australia

Office : +61 3 9270-4229
Mobile : +61 (0) 40999 6515
Fax: +61 3 9270-4144


                    enixsm.com             To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                    14/05/2001             Subject:     Japanese Filenames
                    11:32 PM
                    Please respond
                    to ADSM-L

Hi all,

We are running an NT environment using version 4 TSM client and server code
to back up all our data.  On our file and print server we have a lots of
Japanese filenames.  We have installed our NT servers as UK operating
systems, but have installed the Japanese code page to facilitate the use of
Japanese filenames.

When we use TSM gui to back up these filenames they are displayed as
files.  We have tried turning on USEUNICODEFILENAMES in the client option
file, and all these seems to do is instead of the filenames being invalid
they appear as question marks.

Has any body had any experience of this in this type of environment?

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