I was doing some statistic checking on my TSM 4.1.2 server and came
across a puzzling situation. Looking at my DB I get the following
Available Space (MB): 24,576
Assigned Capacity (MB): 24,576
Maximum Extension (MB): 0
Maximum Reduction (MB): 2,880
Page Size (bytes): 4,096
Total Usable Pages: 6,291,456
Used Pages: 5,545,979
Pct Util: 88.2
Max. Pct Util: 88.3
Physical Volumes: 6
Buffer Pool Pages: 49,152
Total Buffer Requests: -1,132,081,689
Cache Hit Pct.: 74.83
Cache Wait Pct.: 0.00
Backup in Progress?: Yes
Type of Backup In Progress: Full
Incrementals Since Last Full: 0
Changed Since Last Backup (MB): 0.03
Percentage Changed: 0.00
Last Complete Backup Date/Time: 05/07/2001 11:43:29
I noticed that my Cache Hit Pct. is way lower than what is recommended.
I have BUFPoolsize set to 196608. My server contains 2GB of memory
and lsps -a shows 192MB.
The thing I am most concerned about is the negative number on Total
Buffer Requests. I've been looking through the documentation and the
ADSM-L archive and haven't found any reference as to what a negative
number here represents. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Thanks in advance.
Jeff Rankin
Associate Technical Analyst, Excel Corporation
Phone: 316-291-2903
Fax: 316-266-4415