
It has been a fun, wild, sometimes entertaining, exasperating, frustrating,
exhausting (insert your adjective/adverb) learning adventure working with
DSF / ADSM / TSM / Spectrum Protect / whatever-the-new-name-is, for the
past 30+ years!

But, as they say, "*The Times They Are A-Changin*". After more than a year
of analysis, comparisons, discussions, demonstrations, meetings, etc, it
was decided to transition away from IBM/ISP to a new "Enterprise Data
Protection" solution.

The transition is well underway and we expect to (must) be completely off
ISP by the end of 2023.

Thank you for all the support I/we have received from this
mailing-list/forums contributors.  There are some truly stellar, gifted
individuals here!


*Zoltan Forray*
Enterprise Data Protection Administrator
VMware Systems Administrator
Enterprise Compute & Storage Platforms Team
VCU Infrastructure Services - 804-828-4807

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