Did you try with both RECONSTRUCT=YES and RECONSTRUCT=NO ?

Sometimes I have had to do that to get stubborn aggregates to move.

Also, what's the reusedelay on the pool?  Sometimes resetting this can help.

Lastly, I had a lot of stuck data that wouldn't go away, and
seemed to allow data to be fully purged.  It was cloud containers, which is
a whole different stack, but who knows. was pretty stable for
us other than replication storage rules.

Worst case, DEL VOL DISCARDDATA=YES is always a sad option.

With friendly Regards,
Josh-Daniel S. Davis

On Wed, Mar 8, 2023 at 9:30 AM Zoltan Forray <zfor...@vcu.edu> wrote:

> We have an old Powervault that is having too many hardware issues (5-disks
> replaced in the past 2-weeks) and are trying to retire it.  It was being
> used as a low-activity (nextstgpool after offsite copies have been
> created), deduped FILE DEVclass.
> We have emptied it down to a few remaining volumes but can not get rid of
> those last 4-volumes.  We have performed dozens of "move data" (both to a
> different stgpool and same stgpool) "move nodedata", reclaim stgpool, etc
> but we always end up with messages like:
> 3/8/2023 10:19:15 AM ANR3246W Process 28246 skipped 2 files on volume
> /powervault_pool_2/00061E69.BFS because the files have been *deleted*.
> and nothing being moved.  Tried marking all volumes as READONLY but the
> moves simply recreated the existing volumes with the same unmovable/deleted
> objects.
> We have tried with both reconstructaggregates YES and NO.
> Occupancy by node shows crazy numbers (currently says this stgpool has a
> total *5.8TB* occupancy but only 4-partially used 120GB volumes remain).
> Tried running "restore stgpool preview=yes" with nothing to restore.
> Tried audit volume fix=no - again with nothing to fix!
> So what is the magic trick to completely empty this stgpool?
> --
> *Zoltan Forray*
> Enterprise Data Protection Administrator
> VMware Systems Administrator
> Enterprise Compute & Storage Platforms Team
> VCU Infrastructure Services
> zfor...@vcu.edu - 804-828-4807

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