does this new feature also affect the server2server communication, e.g.
for LibMan <=> LibClient?
If so, which server should I upgrade first? Or should I set all
passwords to UPCASE?
Thanks & best
On 02.11.22 17:22, Michael Prix wrote:
Hello Sarav,
not strange, but works as designed (by IBM).
Introduced with 8.1.16 is case sensitivity for the passwords.
So, if you send a command from a server with codelevel lower than
8.1.16, the password is sent in UPPERCASE.
If you send a command from an 8.1.6 Server, the password is send as
you entered it (PaSSwoRD)
A server below 8.1.16 checkes the submitted password against his
stored one, which is UPEERCASE.
A server at 8.1.16 checkes against his stored one, which might be MiXeD.
This all is valid only for security=strict, old behaviour is
accomplished by security=transitional
So, if you have a mixed environment, change the passwords to
UPPERCASE. or update all servers instantly.
Michael Prix
On 11/2/22 10:11, Saravanan Palanisamy wrote:
Dear Team
We have upgraded tsm server to v8.1.16 and all our automation scripts
start to fail due to invalid password thorough correct password is
If you update sessionsecurity=transition then if we try same
credential then it works but command routing will not work.
If you update sessionsecurity=transition then command routing will
work but if you try dsmadmc with correct password it will fail with
invalid password and user id get locked
Looks very strange.
+65 9857 8665
Bjørn Nachtwey
Arbeitsgruppe "IT-Infrastruktur"
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