Wonderful that Andy is on this list !

I hope that he can be a smart interface between us, simple users, and the 
mighty IBM...

Today I found that a number of vm's did not backup snapshots to the (container 
based) storage pool.
This happened before and points to the error:

  ANS9351E Data was not available on server and was skipped. Processing snapshot
When checking the server I try:

  Query container state=unavailable
And found 26 unavailable containers. 

Usually this happens because of some communications failure between the server 
and the container storage, which are in different buildings/vlans. 
Now I have to run on each container:

  Audit container XXXX
Wait some minute or two and run the next one.
To "automate" this, make a script, copy the list of bad containers to 
notepad++, edit the file, so  it looks like:

  update script auditfix "audit container XXXYYY001.dcf wait=yes" line=011
  update script auditfix "audit container XXXYYY002.dcf wait=yes" line=021
run this in the tsm admin window and then run:

  run auditfix
Here my proposal:
Fix "audit container" to allow:

  Audit container state=unavailable wait=yes


  Query container state=unavailable audit=yes


David de Leeuw
Ben Gurion university of the Negev
Beer Sheva


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