I could not agree more!!!
Rainer Tammer
On 18.02.2022 10:03, Florian Bachmann wrote:
sigh, I have to wonder — is this part of a grand strategy to further reduce
market share?
Our customers with Solaris on Sparc have no intention at all of purchasing
expensive long term support contracts to continue using the already paid for
backup software (1), nor to implement elaborate workarounds for essential
business requirements (2), nor for replacing recently purchased hardware in
order for the backup software to work (3).
Also, ISP is too expensive to ask customers to accept running unsupported
backup clients (4).
One would have hoped that IBM would at least offer cost neutral long term
support for the latest 7.1 baclients on Sparc to those customers, but no…
Now we have customers asking us why can’t we use Veeam Agent for Solaris
file-level backups… I realize that supporting older clients for Solaris on
Spare has costs associated with it, of course, but this gives customers yet
another reason to consider cheaper and often crappier alternatives…
I find all of this exceedingly frustrating, to be honest.
Kind regards
Am 16.02.2022 um 13:10 schrieb Del Hoobler<hoob...@us.ibm.com>:
Hi Martin,
It is true the native Spectrum Protect Solaris SPARC B/A client went EOS
on December 31, 2021.
In talking with other clients, they have chosen a few different options:
1.) Purchase an extended support contract from IBM until December 31, 2022
(this is Usage and Known Defect only)
2.) Mount the Solaris SPARC filesystem from a supported platform and back
the data up that way
3.) Move to Solaris x86
4.) Continue to use the SPARC Solaris B/A client "unsupported"
"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"<ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> wrote on 02/16/2022
06:08:29 AM:
From: "Martin.Janosik"<martin.jano...@kyndryl.com>
Date: 02/16/2022 06:10 AM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Sun SPARC support for non-API clients
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"<ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>
Hello all,
do I understand correctly that 31/Dec/2021 was last day of support
for 7.1 versions (newest is and that means there is no
more any supported way to backing up filesystem data from Sun SPARC
Are we forced to switch to different backup product?
Or does IBM offer Extended Support for Backup/Archive client 7.1. on
SPARC platform?
Thank you for any tips
Martin Janosik
KSAT@ Kyndryl