
  I observed the same and support was also unable to answer my questions. It seems that, obviously unintentionally, there has been a change. RESCOURCEUTIL can go up to 100 since 8.1.2, despite only documented up to 10 in respect to worker and manager sessions. Works a great deal in huge filespaces, if one can't use jbb.

Michael Prix

On 2/10/22 3:21 PM, Bjørn Nachtwey wrote:
Hi all,

I tried to get the answer by asking the support, but unfortunately they just gave me advise on how to use VIRTUALMOUNTPOINTs ...

setting as well the MAXNUMMP as the RESOURECEUTILIZATION > 1 I do observe several client backup sessions in the ISP server each transferring data -- even if only one DOMAIN was defined. Hugh, I do know the client works parallel on several DOMAINS, so using VIRTUALMOUNTPOINT definitions allows to increase the the effective bandwidth.

Due to my observation:
Do the newer clients like 8.1.12 use any kind of internal parallelization, so it's not necessary to split large data folder to several virtual ones? If so, does it effect the file tree walk as well as the transfer of the data?

Thanks & best

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