I'm trying to install and configure the new TDP for Exchange 2.2 agent
for a prospective customer. After getting the client to at least run,
which was not a trivial exercise, we've run into a brick wall. We can't
drill down the left-hand pane's tree past the 'Information Store' entry;
in other words, the backup GUI can't seem to see the storage groups.
(The customer is running clustered Exchange 2000 servers.)
I think the error number the GUI gives us is ACN5725E; the command line
gives us error message ACN0151E (I think) in the log file.
We think it's probably a syntax issue with the include lines in dsm.opt,
but the documentation is a little thin. Tivoli support took the matter
to level 2 late this afternoon, and I've gotten no response yet.
Does anyone out there have any successful experience with the new TDP
for Exchange and clustered servers?
Mark Stapleton ([EMAIL PROTECTED])