Hello Eric,

customers of mine are seeing issues 1 and 2 also after applying 8.1.13
and have tickets open. Issue 3 with some earlier versions, but not
presently with 8.1.13.

As for storage rule tiering, we have an interesting problem open, and
IBM is, after weeks, not denying nor approving the fact that there might
be a problem.
We want to tier only specific filespaces of some nodes. This should be
possible by applying a notier rule with some tier subrules, but there is
no way of defining a subrule for a filespace, if it isn't a filespace
containing a backup of a VM. In the description of the stgrule
definition, there is only one sentence pointing to this possibility, but
until now no confirmation from IBM, that this might be the source of our

Michael Prix

On 1/17/22 10:16 AM, Loon, Eric van (ITOP NS) - KLM wrote:
Hi everybody,

I have recently upgraded my servers to so that I could replace the 
(bad performing) protect stgpool and replicate nodes with the new storage rule 
replication. I found it to be very buggy. I ran into several very weird issues:

1)     When a replication is canceled on the source server, the inbound replication 
process on the target server isn't ending, which doesn't allow one to start a new 
replication. Every new replication results in the error: "ANR3875E START STGRULE: A 
previous replication storage rule is processing on QVIP6, wait the process to 
complete". The only way out of this state is bouncing one of the servers.

2)     Replication sometimes hangs without doing anything. A cancel replication 
results in the above.

3)     I also have been called twice with complaints from customers that their 
backups were not running. The server showed a huge amount of sessions in the 
starting state and the admin console showed very little updates. As soon as I 
canceled the running replication, all sessions started to work again and all 
client backups continued!

4)     Storage rule tiering hangs too after running for a while, canceling the 
running tiering process is not working either.
Is anybody else experiencing these issues too? I have a case open for issue 1 
and 4, but I can't believe I'm the only one with these issues...

Kind regards,
Eric van Loon
Air France/KLM Storage & Backup
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