HI Rainer,

In ISP versions earlier than 8.1.2, the value for the parameter SSLREQUIRED
with the "update noded" command could only get changed with "System Level
Authority", although other changes could be made with "Unrestricted Policy
Priviledge". (This is still documented within the latest documentation)

Since the SSLREQUIRED parameter became the status "depricated" since version
8.1.2, because the SESSIONSECURITY parameter is now used.

To modify the value for the SESSIONSECURITY parameter (analogous to the
previous SSLREQUIRED), the "System Authority" is required.
(This is missing within the latest documentation)

Regards, Uwe

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> On Behalf Of Rainer
Holzinger@legami IT
Sent: Mittwoch, 1. Dezember 2021 10:22
Subject: [ADSM-L] update node command fails

Hi all,


does anybody know why an


‘UPDate NOde node_name SESSIONSECurity=TRANSitional’


is ending up with error message


                ANR2035E UPDATE NODE: Administrator admin_name is not
authorized to issue this command.


even though the admin is having unrestricted policy privileges?






legami IT-Consulting GmbH

Dr.-Bock-Str. 24b

D-93142 Maxhütte-Haidhof

Email:    rainer.holzin...@legami-it.de

Mobil:  +49 162 2807 888 

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