Hello Eric,
correct - we are using an Enterprise Tapelib with LTO6 Drives.
Strangely - comparing to other TSM Servers (we are using several TSM Servers 
for different
Environments) TSM for Oracle is the slowest.
We diddn't found out the reason behind this.
Even move from a Power8 to Power9 Server didn't reduced the CPU Load on TSM 
Oracle as expected.
We are currently glad to manage the "TSM Wheel of life" in time (means in one 

On Tue, Nov 02, 2021 at 01:44:32PM +0000, Loon, Eric van (ITOP NS) - KLM wrote:
> Hi Hans Dieter,
> Your performance figures are equally low as mine: 255 - 400 GB/h. This 
> confirms that the protect stgpool definitely has a performance issue by 
> design.
> If I read your figures correctly, your protect stgpool is to a local (tape) 
> copy storage pool, right?
> Kind regards,
> Eric van Loon
> Air France/KLM Storage & Backup
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> On Behalf Of kutz
> Sent: dinsdag 2 november 2021 09:40
> Subject: Re: Compare protect stgpool performance
> On Mon, Nov 01, 2021 at 10:00:23AM +0000, Loon, Eric van (ITOP NS) - KLM 
> wrote:
> > Hi everybody,
> >
> > Some time ago I asked the people on this list for their performance figures 
> > for the protect stgpool (see my mail down below). I received two reactions, 
> > both indicated that their protect stgpool is also below 1 TB/h. I'm trying 
> > to find out if this is related to the protect stgpool process itself, or if 
> > there is another issue here. My first tests show that skipping the protect 
> > stgpool altogether and just running a replicate node preforms much better, 
> > in fact sometimes 6 times faster!
> > I already have a case open at IBM for this, but it seems to get stuck on 
> > the discussion about hardware performance issues, so I'm trying to generate 
> > some more proof now on a test environment.
> > I'm running 6 servers with directory containers, most of them have a daily 
> > ingest of 10 to 20 TB, so it's currently impossible to run a protect 
> > stgpool to completion... Has anybody tried skipping the protect stgpool 
> > too, just to see how the node replication performs?
> > Thanks in advance for your reply.
> >
> > Kind regards,
> > Eric van Loon
> > Air France/KLM Storage & Backup
> >
> > From: Loon, Eric van (ITOP NS) - KLM
> > Sent: dinsdag 12 oktober 2021 13:28
> > Subject: Compare protect stgpool performance
> >
> > Hi everybody,
> >
> > We are using a Blueprint-like server setup with two servers, using cross 
> > node replication and storage pool protection. I'm not very happy with our 
> > protect stgpool performance (approx. 0.5 TB/h) and I like to compare it 
> > with other users. So if you are managing a server which is using protect 
> > stgpool to protect the data to another server, can you please issue the 
> > following command and send me the results:
> >
> > q act begind=-1 msg=4980
> >
> > Thank you very much for your help in advance.
> >
> > Kind regards,
> > Eric van Loon
> > Air France/KLM Storage & Backup
> > ********************************************************
> > For information, services and offers, please visit our web site: 
> > http://www.klm.com. This e-mail and any attachment may contain confidential 
> > and privileged material intended for the addressee only. If you are not the 
> > addressee, you are notified that no part of the e-mail or any attachment 
> > may be disclosed, copied or distributed, and that any other action related 
> > to this e-mail or attachment is strictly prohibited, and may be unlawful. 
> > If you have received this e-mail by error, please notify the sender 
> > immediately by return e-mail, and delete this message.
> >
> > Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij NV (KLM), its subsidiaries and/or its 
> > employees shall not be liable for the incorrect or incomplete transmission 
> > of this e-mail or any attachments, nor responsible for any delay in receipt.
> > Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij N.V. (also known as KLM Royal
> > Dutch Airlines) is registered in Amstelveen, The Netherlands, with
> > registered number 33014286
> > ********************************************************
> Hello Eric,
> here are some Statistics from Our TSM Server for TDPO.
> TSM Oracle is the slowest TSM Server regarding Protect STGPOOL.
> <snip>
> /var/tsm/automation/logs/.status_tsm_tasks.previous:ANR4000I The protect 
> storage pool process for DEDUP_ORA on server SERVER1 to COPY_DEDUP_ORA on 
> server SERVER1 is complete. Extents protected: 159167699 of 159167699. 
> Extents failed to
> protect: 0. Amount protected: 5,859 GB of 5,859 GB. Amount failed to protect: 
> 0 bytes. Extents deleted: 54021609 of 54021609. Extents failed to delete: 0.
> Extents moved: 28504206 of 28504206. Extents failed to move: 0. Amount moved:
> 1,087 GB of 1,087 GB. Amount failed to move: 0 bytes. Elapsed time: 0 Days, 
> 22 Hours, 58 Minutes.
> /var/tsm/automation/logs/.status_tsm_tasks.previous:ANR4000I The protect 
> storage pool process for DEDUP_ORA on server SERVER1 to COPY_DEDUP_ORA on 
> server SERVER1 is complete. Extents protected: 43404592 of 43404592. Extents 
> failed to protect:
> 0. Amount protected: 1,903 GB of 1,903 GB. Amount failed to protect: 0 bytes.
> Extents deleted: 24420866 of 24420866. Extents failed to delete: 0. Extents
> moved: 0 of 0. Extents failed to move: 0. Amount moved: 0 bytes of 0 bytes.
> Amount failed to move: 0 bytes. Elapsed time: 0 Days, 8 Hours, 0 Minutes.
> /var/tsm/automation/logs/.status_tsm_tasks.previous:ANR4000I The protect 
> storage pool process for DEDUP_ORA on server SERVER1 to COPY_DEDUP_ORA on 
> server SERVER1 is complete. Extents protected: 60704218 of 60704218. Extents 
> failed to protect:
> 0. Amount protected: 2,120 GB of 2,120 GB. Amount failed to protect: 0 bytes.
> Extents deleted: 49982455 of 49982455. Extents failed to delete: 0. Extents
> moved: 0 of 0. Extents failed to move: 0. Amount moved: 0 bytes of 0 bytes.
> Amount failed to move: 0 bytes. Elapsed time: 0 Days, 6 Hours, 34 Minutes.
> /var/tsm/automation/logs/.status_tsm_tasks.previous:ANR4000I The protect 
> storage pool process for DEDUP_ORA on server SERVER1 to COPY_DEDUP_ORA on 
> server SERVER1 is complete. Extents protected: 71229000 of 71229000. Extents 
> failed to protect:
> 0. Amount protected: 3,080 GB of 3,080 GB. Amount failed to protect: 0 bytes.
> Extents deleted: 79661767 of 79661767. Extents failed to delete: 0. Extents
> moved: 0 of 0. Extents failed to move: 0. Amount moved: 0 bytes of 0 bytes.
> Amount failed to move: 0 bytes. Elapsed time: 0 Days, 7 Hours, 31 Minutes.
> /var/tsm/automation/logs/.status_tsm_tasks.previous:ANR4000I The protect 
> storage pool process for DEDUP_ORA on server SERVER1 to COPY_DEDUP_ORA on 
> server SERVER1 is complete. Extents protected: 103002821 of 103002821. 
> Extents failed to
> protect: 0. Amount protected: 3,640 GB of 3,640 GB. Amount failed to protect: 
> 0 bytes. Extents deleted: 57115996 of 57115996. Extents failed to delete: 0.
> Extents moved: 0 of 0. Extents failed to move: 0. Amount moved: 0 bytes of 0 
> bytes. Amount failed to move: 0 bytes. Elapsed time: 0 Days, 9 Hours, 46 
> Minutes.
> /var/tsm/automation/logs/.status_tsm_tasks.previous:ANR4000I The protect 
> storage pool process for DEDUP_ORA on server SERVER1 to COPY_DEDUP_ORA on 
> server SERVER1 is complete. Extents protected: 89028448 of 89028448. Extents 
> failed to protect:
> 0. Amount protected: 3,719 GB of 3,719 GB. Amount failed to protect: 0 bytes.
> Extents deleted: 44315795 of 44315795. Extents failed to delete: 0. Extents
> moved: 0 of 0. Extents failed to move: 0. Amount moved: 0 bytes of 0 bytes.
> Amount failed to move: 0 bytes. Elapsed time: 0 Days, 9 Hours, 48 Minutes.
> /var/tsm/automation/logs/.status_tsm_tasks.previous:ANR4000I The protect 
> storage pool process for DEDUP_ORA on server SERVER1 to COPY_DEDUP_ORA on 
> server SERVER1 is complete. Extents protected: 90240832 of 90240832. Extents 
> failed to protect:
> 0. Amount protected: 4,613 GB of 4,613 GB. Amount failed to protect: 0 bytes.
> Extents deleted: 159548098 of 159548098. Extents failed to delete: 0. Extents
> moved: 0 of 0. Extents failed to move: 0. Amount moved: 0 bytes of 0 bytes.
> Amount failed to move: 0 bytes. Elapsed time: 0 Days, 9 Hours, 35 Minutes.
> /var/tsm/automation/logs/.status_tsm_tasks.previous:ANR4000I The protect 
> storage pool process for DEDUP_ORA on server SERVER1 to COPY_DEDUP_ORA on 
> server SERVER1 is complete. Extents protected: 80673021 of 80673021. Extents 
> failed to protect:
> 0. Amount protected: 3,683 GB of 3,683 GB. Amount failed to protect: 0 bytes.
> Extents deleted: 69249699 of 69249699. Extents failed to delete: 0. Extents
> moved: 9585625 of 9585625. Extents failed to move: 0. Amount moved: 300 GB of
> 300 GB. Amount failed to move: 0 bytes. Elapsed time: 0 Days, 8 Hours, 32 
> Minutes.
> /var/tsm/automation/logs/.status_tsm_tasks.previous:ANR4000I The protect 
> storage pool process for DEDUP_ORA on server SERVER1 to COPY_DEDUP_ORA on 
> server SERVER1 is complete. Extents protected: 482416499 of 482416499. 
> Extents failed to
> protect: 0. Amount protected: 17,653 GB of 17,653 GB. Amount failed to 
> protect:
> 0 bytes. Extents deleted: 557403086 of 557403086. Extents failed to delete: 0.
> Extents moved: 39051878 of 39051878. Extents failed to move: 0. Amount moved:
> 1,656 GB of 1,656 GB. Amount failed to move: 0 bytes. Elapsed time: 1 Days, 
> 10 Hours, 22 Minutes.
> /var/tsm/automation/logs/.status_tsm_tasks.previous:ANR4000I The protect 
> storage pool process for DEDUP_ORA on server SERVER1 to COPY_DEDUP_ORA on 
> server SERVER1 is complete. Extents protected: 120042292 of 120042292. 
> Extents failed to
> protect: 0. Amount protected: 4,580 GB of 4,580 GB. Amount failed to protect: 
> 0 bytes. Extents deleted: 137718371 of 137718371. Extents failed to delete: 0.
> Extents moved: 18586914 of 18586914. Extents failed to move: 0. Amount moved:
> 654 GB of 654 GB. Amount failed to move: 0 bytes. Elapsed time: 0 Days, 9 
> Hours,
> 25 Minutes.
> /var/tsm/automation/logs/.status_tsm_tasks.previous:ANR4000I The protect 
> storage pool process for DEDUP_ORA on server SERVER1 to COPY_DEDUP_ORA on 
> server SERVER1 is complete. Extents protected: 195294639 of 195294639. 
> Extents failed to
> protect: 0. Amount protected: 6,973 GB of 6,973 GB. Amount failed to protect: 
> 0 bytes. Extents deleted: 118396766 of 118396766. Extents failed to delete: 0.
> Extents moved: 17461569 of 17461569. Extents failed to move: 0. Amount moved:
> 459 GB of 459 GB. Amount failed to move: 0 bytes. Elapsed time: 0 Days, 19 
> Hours, 41 Minutes.
> /var/tsm/automation/logs/.status_tsm_tasks.previous:ANR4000I The protect 
> storage pool process for DEDUP_ORA on server SERVER1 to COPY_DEDUP_ORA on 
> server SERVER1 is complete. Extents protected: 112107551 of 112107551. 
> Extents failed to
> protect: 0. Amount protected: 4,789 GB of 4,789 GB. Amount failed to protect: 
> 0 bytes. Extents deleted: 62457107 of 62457107. Extents failed to delete: 0.
> Extents moved: 0 of 0. Extents failed to move: 0. Amount moved: 0 bytes of 0 
> bytes. Amount failed to move: 0 bytes. Elapsed time: 0 Days, 8 Hours, 13 
> Minutes.
> /var/tsm/automation/logs/.status_tsm_tasks.previous:ANR4002W The protect 
> storage pool process for DEDUP_ORA on SERVER1 to COPY_DEDUP_ORA on SERVER1 is 
> complete.
> Some extents might not have been protected. Extents protected: 76148237 of 
> 76807285. Extents failed to protect: 659048. Amount protected: 2,601 GB of 
> 2,628 GB. Amount failed to protect: 27,542 MB. Extents deleted: 14056837 of 
> 14056837.
> Extents failed to delete: 0. Extents moved: 0 of 0. Extents failed to move: 0.
> Amount moved: 0 bytes of 0 bytes. Amount failed to move: 0 bytes. Elapsed 
> time:
> 0 Days, 7 Hours, 42 Minutes.
> <snip>
> --
> https://www.xing.com/hp/HansDieter_Kutz/
> http://www.hdkutz.de
> Officer:
>       We've analyzed their attack, sir, and there is a danger.
>       Should I have your ship standing by?
> Governor Tarkin:
>       Evacuate? In our moment of triumph? I think you
>       overestimate their chances.
> ********************************************************
> For information, services and offers, please visit our web site: 
> http://www.klm.com. This e-mail and any attachment may contain confidential 
> and privileged material intended for the addressee only. If you are not the 
> addressee, you are notified that no part of the e-mail or any attachment may 
> be disclosed, copied or distributed, and that any other action related to 
> this e-mail or attachment is strictly prohibited, and may be unlawful. If you 
> have received this e-mail by error, please notify the sender immediately by 
> return e-mail, and delete this message.
> Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij NV (KLM), its subsidiaries and/or its 
> employees shall not be liable for the incorrect or incomplete transmission of 
> this e-mail or any attachments, nor responsible for any delay in receipt.
> Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij N.V. (also known as KLM Royal Dutch 
> Airlines) is registered in Amstelveen, The Netherlands, with registered 
> number 33014286
> ********************************************************

Han Solo:
        I think my eyes are getting better. Instead of a big
        dark blur I see a big light blur.
Luke Skywalker:
        There's nothing to see. I used to live here you know.
Han Solo:
        You're gonna die here you know. Convenient.

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