Maybe first recommission those nodes?
Then you will be able to replicate them.
And then decommission again when replication is finished.

Use the RECOMMISSION commands to recommission a decommissioned
client node or virtual machine (VM).

*  3.52.1 RECOMMISSION NODE (Recommission a decommissioned
   application or system client node)

*  3.52.2 RECOMMISSION VM (Recommission a virtual machine)


-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> On Behalf Of Saravanan 
Sent: maandag 10 mei 2021 14:29
Subject: [ADSM-L] Decom Node

**This Message originated from a Non-ArcelorMittal source**

Dear team

We have decommissioned few nodes but would like to replicate those nodes to 
different server. Since replication not supported for decom node we would like 
to check how to replicate those nodes.

+65 9857 8665

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