Hi Eric,

You can part of the way there with GROUP BY:

SELECT node_name,class_name,COUNT(*) FROM archives GROUP BY node_name,class_name

This will give you one row per (node_name,class_name) tuple. In order to
get row values as columns, though, you need to do a pivot (aka crosstab),
which I'm not sure is possible in through the DB2 interface in dsmadmc.
If you run the query w/ "-dataonly=yes -tab" you can import into a
spreadsheet easily and do the pivot there, though.

Hope that helps!

On Fri, Mar 12, 2021 at 03:27:29PM +0000, Loon, Eric van (ITOP NS) - KLM wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I'm trying to figure out how to create a SQL query to retrieve the amount of 
> files, per management class, per node in just one query. The ideal output 
> would be:
> Nodename          Class1                   Class2                   Class3
> Mynode1             1234                     475859                 3645895
> Mynode2             12345                   274368746          8948382348
> If you select a count(*) from archives where class_name='CLASS1' you will 
> only get the amount stored for Class1, so I will have to be able to combine 
> multiple select count(*) from archives where statements in one single query.
> Thank you very much for your help!
> Kind regards,
> Eric van Loon
> Air France/KLM Storage & Backup
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-- Skylar Thompson (skyl...@u.washington.edu)
-- Genome Sciences Department (UW Medicine), System Administrator
-- Foege Building S046, (206)-685-7354
-- Pronouns: He/Him/His

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