This is the message in the client's output when connecting during failover.
The second option is to use during configuration usereplicationfailover no. It 
will be disable failover.

> On 25 Jan 2021, at 11:23, Loon, Eric van (ITOP NS) - KLM 
> <eric-van.l...@klm.com> wrote:
> Hi Efim,
> You can just connect to a replica server (dsmc), without any warning. I don't 
> know at which point this ANS2112I is thrown.
> Thanks for your help!
> Kind regards,
> Eric van Loon
> Air France/KLM Storage & Backup
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> On Behalf Of Efim
> Sent: vrijdag 22 januari 2021 18:00
> Subject: Re: Client configuration scripts
> HI,
> Maybe you should try checking the client message when connecting, for example 
> ANS2112I?
> Efim
>> On 22 Jan 2021, at 19:31, Loon, Eric van (ITOP NS) - KLM 
>> <eric-van.l...@klm.com> wrote:
>> Hi everybody,
>> We are running multiple servers. Both our Windows and Linux departments use 
>> their own scripts to configure new (or reinstalled) clients. The script 
>> tries to connect to each TSM/SP server sequentially and if a connection is 
>> successful, the client is configured for that specific server. This has 
>> always been working fine, until we added two servers with client 
>> replication. In this case, a client node exists on two servers, but only one 
>> of them is valid: the one with the node in replmode=send. Technically a 
>> client can connect to both the primary server and the replica server, so the 
>> first one in line is used by the script, which might be the wrong one 
>> (replica).
>> Has anybody found a solutions to overcome something like this? I thought of 
>> using a SQL query through the admin client, but that means that the admin 
>> client has to be installed on all clients and an admin userid/password has 
>> to be included in the scripts. Not the safest solution, I think.
>> Thanks for any reply in advance!
>> Kind regards,
>> Eric van Loon
>> Air France/KLM Storage & Backup
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