Hi Sasa, Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately, this is not what I'm looking for.
Those columns give the at risk interval configuration (see : SET NODEATRISKINTERVAL) for a Node that does not rely on default configuration (see: SET QUERY MONITORSETTINGS). My question is how do know all Nodes that are "At Risk" when they meet an "At Risk" condition. Considering there are 3 possibles values for the "At Risk" type : Default, Bypassed and Custom. What are the 4 possible values in SQL : O, 1, 2 and NULL ? Does anyone know ? It seems that's not related to the decomm state. >>---Set NODEATRISKINTERVAL--node_name--------------------------> >--TYPE--=--+-DEFAULT--------------------+--------------------->< +-BYPASSED-------------------+ '-CUSTOM--Interval--=--value-' Protect : TSMSERV1>select ATRISK_TYPE,ATRISK_INTERVAL,count(*) from nodes group by (ATRISK_TYPE,ATRISK_INTERVAL) ATRISK_TYPE ATRISK_INTERVAL Unnamed[3] ------------ ---------------- ------------ 0 0 5 1 168 5 1 720 13 1 8760 9 2 0 1 573 Protect : TSMSERV1>select ATRISK_TYPE,ATRISK_INTERVAL,DECOMM_STATE,count(*) from nodes group by (ATRISK_TYPE,ATRISK_INTERVAL,DECOMM_STATE) ATRISK_TYPE ATRISK_INTERVAL DECOMM_STATE Unnamed[4] ------------ ---------------- ------------- ------------ 0 0 YES 3 0 0 2 1 168 5 1 720 13 1 8760 9 2 0 1 YES 61 512 -- Best regards / Cordialement / مع تحياتي Erwann SIMON ----- Mail original ----- De: "Sasa Drnjevic" <sasa.drnje...@srce.hr> À: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Envoyé: Mercredi 26 Août 2020 18:27:22 Objet: Re: [ADSM-L] In which table is stored the "at risk" status of all Nodes On 26.8.2020. 18:01, Erwann SIMON wrote: > Hi all, > > Whithin Operations Center, it's easy to viaw and filter all Nodes by > "At Risk" status(Warning, Rules, Missed, Failed and so on) but I did > not find where is it stored in the database in order to query this > status using a select command. > > Thanks for any suggestion. What you are looking for may be in the "NODES" and "FILESPACES" tables. Found this in both tables: ATRISK_TYPE ATRISK_INTERVAL Hope it helps. Rgds, -- Sasa Drnjevic www.srce.unizg.hr/en/