We are switching all of our storage servers to version 8 and at the same
time trying to upgrade all the clients to We have had some
issues with the RedHat TCP stack running out of memory and datadomains
crashing that have caused the clients to create very large dsierror.log
files in the TDPSQL folder, filling up the hard disk. To add injury to
insult, once the disk is full, the client wants to update DSM.OPT (where it
adds the DR server info at the beginning) but it must delete the old
DSM.OPT and the log files fill the drive before it can write the new
DSM.OPT so I am getting 0 length TSM.OPT files in the BACLIENT folder and
the TDPSQL folder. I have another server that filled up the C: drive for a
reason other than TSM logs and the same zero length DSM.OPT was created.
IBM should create the new DSM.OPT file with a different name, and if that
is successful, then delete (or rename) the old DSM.OPT and rename the
updated one to DSM.OPT.