Hi - FYI.

Got 3 TSM v8.1.1.0 servers. Srry, no directory containers.

Two are mostly idle ATM, and vmstat 1 B column shows all zeroes on these.

But, the 3rd which is the primary backup server is currently serving
main backup window with 4 data migration to tape processes active ATM so
it is under load ATM and shows versatile values under B column as follows:

procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- -system--
 r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   so    bi    bo   in   cs us sy
id wa st
 2  6      0 2194596 978956 119432656    0    0  2064   933    0    0  1
 0 96  3  0
 1  4      0 2195356 978956 119431712    0    0 404128 179057 18786
205808  5  1 85  9  0
 5  6      0 1132332 978960 120494064    0    0 857920 120500 15741
113912  4  2 84  9  0
 3  5      0 1131556 978968 120493536    0    0 490176 476828 14546
111938  4  1 87  8  0
 4  6      0 1130816 978968 120493312    0    0 701384 46616 27406
208660  7  2 74 17  0
 4  6      0 1130840 978968 120493280    0    0 808156 35801 25640
172369  6  2 73 19  0
 2  5      0 1129272 979000 120493216    0    0 719460 37232 27778
189991  7  2 72 19  0
 3 22      0 1130660 979000 120493216    0    0 794196 29051 23424
168768  6  1 74 18  0
 3 28      0 1129624 979000 120493216    0    0 806280 35076 27397
183748  7  2 73 19  0
 2 23      0 1130648 979000 120493216    0    0 747764 36656 26441
172916  6  2 71 21  0
 3  7      0 1131300 979000 120493216    0    0 845076 38928 31620
199619  6  2 68 23  0
 2  5      0 1131672 979000 120493216    0    0 859640 47688 30922
191109  5  2 71 21  0
 2  4      0 1132028 979000 120493216    0    0 749464 40088 27370
179763  4  2 74 20  0
 2  4      0 1132596 979000 120493216    0    0 473644 89892 16032
174401  4  1 85  9  0
12  4      0 1131600 979000 120493136    0    0 430004 38064 21265
179632  6  1 77 16  0
 2 14      0 1132076 979000 120493136    0    0 325864 38388 19710
173502  6  1 77 15  0
 4  4      0 1132432 979000 120493136    0    0 527528 36916 24634
128603  6  1 75 18  0
 7  3      0 1088084 979000 120498504    0    0 562960 24604 24020
118291  6  1 74 18  0
 3 18      0 905236 979000 120498528    0    0 394620 30736 22646 101360
 7  1 72 20  0
 3  4      0 1120396 979032 120498544    0    0 455848 40864 29153
137940  7  2 73 18  0
 3 21      0 1118804 979032 120498432    0    0 381536 38436 20954
111904  6  1 77 16  0
 4 12      0 1118812 979032 120498432    0    0 493040 20504 20089
127127  6  1 74 19  0
 1  3      0 1118448 979032 120498432    0    0 473619 33028 21283
121339  6  1 77 17  0
 1  4      0 1119776 979032 120498432    0    0 71884 39700 8165 45166
3  0 89  7  0
 5 21      0 1120064 979032 120498432    0    0 269032 48024 17034 79659
 5  1 81 14  0
 1  4      0 1120788 979032 120498432    0    0 360992 93243 18190 99504
 4  1 81 14  0
 4 21      0 1120180 979032 120498432    0    0 589440 65658 23841
128754  3  1 74 21  0
 2 22      0 1121212 979032 120498432    0    0 500856 53118 21264
105391  2  1 75 21  0
 2 12      0 1121520 979032 120498432    0    0 644036 36889 23167
124724  3  1 78 18  0
 1  4      0 1120616 979032 120498432    0    0 835200 85787 26382
149143  3  1 76 20  0
 1  4      0 1121308 979032 120498480    0    0 563944 29029 19323
126179  3  1 78 18  0
 4 28      0 1121256 979064 120498400    0    0 375960 39008 19655 91139
 3  1 77 19  0

All, Dell servers with 24 CPU cores, and 128 GB RAM.

Never had performance problems.


Sasa Drnjevic

On 2019-08-21 17:39, Loon, Eric van (ITOP NS) - KLM wrote:
> Hi guys,
> A few weeks ago I already wrote about the severe performance issues we have 
> with our TSM 7.1 servers. In the 'old days' we used to back up our clients to 
> TSM 6.3 servers with Data Domains attached. Smaller clients backed up through 
> the LAN, large ones through the SAN.
> Our newer servers use LAN-only with directory containers and the performance 
> of these servers really sucks. Setting up a session takes sometimes almost 
> one minute and a q stg also takes 30 to 50 seconds. I noticed that 
> performance is OK when there are no TDP for Oracle sessions running, but as 
> soon as they are started the performance starts to drop drastically.
> We are really lost on where to look for the cause. I sent numerous logs and 
> traces to IBM, but I guess they are out of ideas too since I don't hear 
> anything back from them lately. The only thing is that supports notices 
> delays in DB2, but they don't know why...
> What I noticed on my TSM server is that as soon as there is a load on the 
> server, the blocked queue starts to rise. I would like to know if that's 
> something to focus on or not.
> Can some of you please run the "vmstat 1" command on their Linux server 
> (preferably one with directory containers too) and let me know if you too see 
> values other than 0 in the B column?
> Thank you very much for your help in advance!
> Kind regards,
> Eric van Loon
> Air France/KLM Storage & Backup
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