Just seen Andy's reply and learned something new. Thanks Andy.
Sorry for the misinfo.

Thank you,
-Rick Adamson

-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Adamson
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2019 7:59 AM
To: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>
Subject: RE: How to make dsmc recognize drives

My understanding is the substitute (subst) command is only defining an alias 
for the full path to a location on a drive not actually creating a new drive or 
file space. Think about it in the context of creating a share except using a 
drive letter versus an alpha-numeric string.
The data in both cases is backed under the full path, or actual location, and 
not as a separate file system.

The actual substitute definition is a part of the registry and captured as a 
part of the system-state.
It can be found at:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\DOS 

Thank you,
-Rick Adamson

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> On Behalf Of Loon, Eric 
van (ITOP NS) - KLM
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2019 5:37 AM
Subject: [ADSM-L] How to make dsmc recognize drives

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Hi guys,

For some tests I want to create separate drives in Windows and back them up 
with SP. I create these drives with the subst command (subst D: c:\<target 
directory>). The drives created are visible in the Windows GUI and accessible 
through the Windows command line, but the Spectrum Protect client does not 
recognize them.
Does anybody know how to make dsmc recognize them as a separate drive?
Thanks for any help in advance!

Kind regards,
Eric van Loon
Air France/KLM Storage & Backup

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