Here is a new one.......

We turned off backing up SystemState last week.  Now I am going through and
deleted the Systemstate filesystems.

Since I wanted to see how many objects would be deleted, I did a "Q
OCCUPANCY" and preserved the file count numbers for all Windows nodes on
this server.

For 4-nodes, the delete of their systemstate filespaces has been running
for 5-hours. A "Q PROC" shows:

2019-02-25 08:52:05 Deleting file space
ORION-POLL-WEST\SystemState\NULL\System State\SystemState (fsId=1) (backup
data) for node ORION-POLL-WEST: *105,511,859 objects deleted*.

Considering the occupancy for this node was *~5-Million objects*, how has
it deleted *105-Million* objects (and counting).  The other 3-nodes in
question are also up to *>100-Million objects deleted* and none of them had
more than *6M objects* in occupancy?

At this rate, the deleting objects count for 4-nodes systemstate will
exceed 50% of the total occupancy objects on this server that houses the
backups for* 263-nodes*?

I vaguely remember some bug/APAR about systemstate backups being
large/slow/causing performance problems with expiration but these nodes
client levels are fairly current ( - staying below the 8.1.2/SSL/TLS
enforcement levels) and the ISP server is  All of these are
Windows 2016, if that matters.

*Zoltan Forray*
Spectrum Protect (p.k.a. TSM) Software & Hardware Administrator
Xymon Monitor Administrator
VMware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
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