Hello Gary, your second command "dsmc set password -type=vm vcenter-server vmware-user password -optfile=<second-options-file>" should work. The "vcenter-server" which is specified by the "dsmc set password ..." must be identical to the VMCHOST parameter within the stanza configuration.
Regards Uwe -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> Im Auftrag von Lee, Gary Gesendet: Freitag, 15. Februar 2019 14:47 An: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Betreff: [ADSM-L] adding a second dsmcad and data mover to a client I have added a second stanza to dsm.sys to give me a scheduler and node for a slightly different data mover configuration to test. I created a second client options file pointing to this server stanza. All works except for the setting of the VMWare password. Tried the following two commands: Dsmc set password -type=vm vcenter-server vmware-user password -server=<second-servername> Dsmc set password -type=vm vcenter-server vmware-user password -optfile=<second-options-file> Then run the scheduler and try a backup, get the following error: 02/15/2019 08:28:15 ANS9365E VMware vStorage API error for virtual machine 'titamium02'. IBM Spectrum Protect function name : Login IBM Spectrum Protect file : vmvisdk.cpp (3250) API return code : 12 API error message : SOAP 1.1 fault: "":ServerFaultCode[no subcode] "fault.InvalidLogin.summary" Detail: 02/15/2019 08:28:20 ANS4152E Failure initializing VMware virtual machine environment. RC=115. Refer to IBM Spectrum Protect error log for detailed error messages. What have I missed? Thanks for all assistance.