While waiting for IBM to respond to my PMR request, I wonder if any of you have seen an issue like this - Here is our current setup Multiple Exchange 2013 CU21 servers running TSM Baclient and TDP/Exchange backing up to TSM Storage server on AIX. Backups have been very slow and efforts to improve things have not helped. We only back up one full DAG every day (roughly 700GB) and do incrementals on the other 14 DAGs (we would love to do more fulls but the one full takes up almost the whole day).
We set up a shiny new DELL/RHEL server and put the same exact storage software on it (both dump the data to Data Domains). We did a quick incremental backup test to the new server and it was much faster. We let it start our nightly backup run and the first FULL ran much faster than on the old server and the next incremental worked but everything after that would fail. We actually moved two exchange servers to the new RHEL server and both had the same issue. They would fail right at the beginning of the job right after it puts the banner info in the log (i.e. what you are backing up) but where you would normally get the TSM storage server name logged after a few seconds, these would wait 30 seconds then time out (ANS1017E Session rejected: TCP/IP connection failure.). The same issue happened if you went to the restore tab in the GUI, it would never communicate with the storage server. Of course there were no error messages on the storage server end and only the connection failure on the client after 30 minutes. I ran a test file level backup from DSM.EXE to both the "servername" nodename and then to the "servername_EXC" nodename with no issues. Moving both servers back to the old storage server allowed them to work again (but slowly as always). Does anyone have any clues as to what might be going on? I tried to check if there was any Exchange CUxx limitation to the agent but did not see any. Tom