Yes, if it is what I think it is, there is an issue with Windows Server 2016. I think that later releases of Windows will correct this, but not through hotfixes to the current Windows Server 2016 machine.
On a related note, if you are not familiar with it already, this snip URL links to the "launch pad" developerworks article for protecting system state with IBM Spectrum Protect:. Nominally it was written for Windows Server 2016 and Windows 10, but the principles can also be applied to earlier Windows operating systems that we support. It links to three other topics: best practices for backup, creating the WinPE recovery image, and restoring the system using the WinPE recovery image. A very recent update is the addition of a Windows batch script that automates the creation of the WinPE ISO image used to recover the system. Regards, Andy ____________________________________________________________________________ Andrew Raibeck | IBM Spectrum Protect Level 3 | "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> wrote on 2018-11-13 08:58:19: > From: "Lee, Gary" <> > To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU > Date: 2018-11-13 09:00 > Subject: Re: Windows 2016 and systemstate backups > Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> > > Yes, many "missing" writers and files. > > > -----Original Message----- > From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> On Behalf Of > Hans Christian Riksheim > Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2018 8:54 AM > To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU > Subject: [ADSM-L] Windows 2016 and systemstate backups > > Anyone else have problems with Windows2016 and VSS ? We have had very > little issues on Windows2008/2012 but now it seems to reappear. Looks like > the source of the problem is Windows itself and not SP. > > Hans Chr,