  As always, thanks for chiming in.
  I was aware of this option but was hesitant to recommend it because of a side 
effect that you didn’t list:

  Upon restore, user must rebuild security permissions.
  So, if the fileserver/NAS had a strict permissions scheme that was easy to 
apply after a restore, then this option is viable.

   This is what bedevils us here - a lot of our units here at Cornell have file 
servers and NASs with complex permissions, and so the issue comes down to what 
is the least amount of pain: bumps in cost due to occasional big backups (we 
are a charge-back service) or trying to figure out a way to save permissions 
outside of Spectrum Protect that can be used to rebuild those permissions in a 
disaster scenario.

  Needless to say, all our customers have gone the big backup route.  Probably 
attribute additional charge to usual "Cost of working at a university” account


Robert Talda
EZ-Backup Systems Engineer
Cornell University
+1 607-255-8280

> On Oct 31, 2018, at 8:46 AM, Andrew Raibeck <> wrote:
> The backup-archive client has an option, SKIPNTSECURITYCRC [NO | YES] with
> NO being the default.
> Reference:
> When this option is set to YES, security changes are not used to determine
> whether the file is changed. That is, if the ONLY change to the file is to
> the security attributes, then the file is not considered changed (but if
> the file is backed up due to other changes, the security attributes are
> included in the backup).
> Be careful setting this option, though:
> 1. Practically speaking, this is the kind of change you make once. That is,
> do not toggle this option back and forth between YES and NO. Of course you
> can certainly do that, but you will defeat the purpose of changing the
> value to begin with. It is not a "one-time" skip of security changes. It is
> a "lifestyle" for your backups. :-)
> 2. Files that undergo ONLY security changes are not backed up during
> incremental backup. Consider this scenario:
> - Day 1: File is backed up (for reasons other than security changes)
> - Day 2: Security is changed on the file. File is not backed up because no
> other changes occurred.
> - Day 3. Security is changed on the file. File is not backed up because no
> other changes occurred.
> - Day 4. User wants to revert the most recent (Day 3) security changes, and
> asks you to restore the file with the security changes from day 2. That
> will not be possible if you configure SKIPNTSECURITYCRC YES. But you can
> revert to the Day 1 backup, assuming your copygroup retention settings have
> not caused the older backup to expire.
> 2. If you later decide to put this option back to its default
> (SKIPNTSECURITYCRC NO) then you might see a one-time very big backup,
> because at that time, any files whose change is only to security, will be
> backed up, resulting possibly in a backup workload that is larger than
> usual.
> In sum: Best practice to ensure most complete incremental backup is to
> allow the data to be backed up, even if only the security has changed.
> Proceed with caution, thinking about future ramifications of using this
> option.
> Best regards,
> Andy
> ____________________________________________________________________________
> Andrew Raibeck | IBM Spectrum Protect Level 3 |
> "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> wrote on 2018-10-30
> 14:57:47:
>> From: Robert Talda <>
>> Date: 2018-10-30 14:58
>> Subject: Re: Windows ARL change
>> Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>
>> Harold:
>>  Have same issue - often several times a year as departments here
>> administer their own servers - and no magic bullet.  Probably
>> doesn’t help other than “misery loves company”
>>  Keeping fingers crossed someone smarter than I has a workaround,
>> Bob
>> Robert Talda
>> EZ-Backup Systems Engineer
>> Cornell University
>> +1 607-255-8280
>>> On Oct 30, 2018, at 11:20 AM, Vandeventer, Harold [OITS]
>> <> wrote:
>>> Our "server security" folks are making several changes in Windows
>> Access Rights at the top of a folder structure which then cascades
>> all the way down to all files.  This is being done on several nodes.
>>> Is there a way to avoid Spectrum Protect from backing up all those
>> files, most of which haven't changed in content other than the ARL
> property?
>>> We charge back to agencies based on the bytes in auditocc table.
>> The ARL change results in a double up of the cost.
>>> The nodes are running various 7.x versions.
>>> Thanks for any guidance you might have.

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