Hi Hans,

ibm support is informed, but no answer for 1 day so far.

no email, no telephone contact.  what is going on?

Restores from tapes seem to work.

maybe some issue with lbprotect?

i dont know.

Von:    "Hans Christian Riksheim" <bull...@gmail.com>
Datum:  30.10.2018 14:46
Betreff:        Re: any known issues with spectrum protect 8.1.6 and
ANR1330E or ANR1331E messages?
Gesendet von:   "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>

Hi Stefan.

We are in a similar situation with You should open a ticket with
IBM support.

Hans Chr.

On Mon, Oct 29, 2018 at 9:52 AM Tsm Tsm <t...@profi-ag.de> wrote:

> Hello,
> after upgrading spectrum protect from 7.1.7.x to 8.1.6 we see a lot of
> errors on tapes
> beeing copied or moved.
> Before upgrade from version 7.1.7 we had no similar messages and the
> tapes have no read or write errors before.
> with best regards
> stefan savoric

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